FXOpen Extends Deadline for Forex Article Contest on CryptoTrading
FXOpen has announced that the deadline for submission of entries to the Forex Article Contest has been extended till July 7, 2014. So you have almost a month left to share your knowledge of cryptocurrency trading and become one of the odds-on favorites.
FXOpen is also pleased to present the contestants’ articles and the interim results in the corporate blogs:
Feel free to pose questions to the authors of the published materials.
The topic of this competition is “CryptoCurrency Trading.” In the articles, you can describe your personal experience in dealing with digital money or outline your position regarding the role of cryptocurrencies in the Forex market and their future or influence on the market dynamics.
The authors of the 7 best works will be awarded as follows:
- 1st place – US$400
- 2nd place – US$300
- 3rd place – US$200
- 4th place – US$150
- 5th place – US$150
- 6th place – US$50
- 7th place – US$50
Of course, there is the People’s Choice Award of US$100 that will be given to the author of the most popular article in the social networks. Why not try your luck?
FXOpen welcomes everyone to this exciting Forex Article Contest. To join, please send your entries to contact@fxopen.com by 4 p.m. on July 7, 2014.