Halloween Story Contest. Join now!

Halloween Story Contest. Join now!

FXOpen is launching Halloween Story Contest. The conditions of the contest are easy: you need to be registered with FXOpen and share your FX/crypto trading horror story in the comments or send it to us at lp@fxopen.org until 31st of October 2019. We will choose the best and “scariest” story, publish it on our blog and social media. The winner will get $100 as a bonus on FXOpen trading account.

Criteria for your stories

The story may be of any volume, must be written in English. The entry must not contain any promotional material, criticism or defamatory comments of other brokers and the services they provide.

Example: “I opened a position late at night and fell asleep. When I woke up I found out there had been a news event I didn’t know about because I forgot to check the forex calendar. Being in a state of deep emotion I was trying to enter a password for my computer but suddenly I felt something ice-cold and wet on the back of my neck.”

Looking forward to your Halloween stories!