Stability of cryptocurrency. What does it mean?

Stability of cryptocurrency. What does it mean?

For a long time, leading digital currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ether, continue to soar around average price points, which remain relatively stable. Of course, significant news of the cryptocurrency market can send shock waves throughout the market, quickly causing a surge or a fall in prices. However, as the events of the past week have shown, digital tokens seem to be prone to returning to familiar price ranges. Almost all the top 10 digital currencies by market capitalization are being traded horizontally throughout the week. Although some coins fell at the end of the week, Bitcoin remains relatively close to the $6,500 threshold, while Ether is pegged to the price of $200.

Although cryptocurrency rates were relatively stable, this does not mean that investors are satisfied with the state of the market. Indeed, many of the leading coins have fallen by 50% or more since their peaks a few months ago. This stagnant price trend has prompted many analysts and investors to assume that digital currency space is dead. However, looking from a broader perspective, it turns out that there are signs of life. This year, mergers and acquisitions in the digital currency world have tripled. In 2017, 47 transactions of this kind were conducted, and by the end of 2018 their number will be 145. Perhaps awareness-raising of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology played a certain role in this area.

For analysts with a pessimistic, or perhaps a realistic approach, the current situation does not give hope for the growth of cryptocurrency. Despite the months of aggressive selling pressure and oversold technical indications, the new analysis shows that there is a reason to believe that the leading coins, such as BTC, can break through threshold levels and continue to fall in price until the end of the year. Nouriel Roubini, a New York economist, recently suggested that the vast majority of digital currencies are useless, adding more pessimism to the wave. Speaking to the members of the US Congress earlier this month, Roubini went so far as to predict ‘Crypto Apocalypse’.