Berita perusahaan

FXOpen Raffled Off Half of the Lucky Coins

Since the beginning of the prize giveaway, FXOpen has already raffled off twenty-five lucky coins. The geographic reach of the prize draw is impressive. FXOpen staff has sent the coin to 17 countries, including Germany, Brazil, Thailand, Italy, Estonia, Nigeria, Poland, etc.

This week the prize-holders are:

  • Gunilla from Spain
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Twenty Traders Won FXOpen Coins

The campaign started on February 23. Since then we've handed out twenty Lucky FXOpen Coins. The commemorative souvenirs are being shipped to Germany, Russia, Brazil, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Italy, Pakistan, Spain, Estonia, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Egypt, Hungary, Taiwan, and Poland.

This week the prize-takers are::

  • Maria from Hungary (STP
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The five new owners of FXOpen coins have been announced!

So, this week the prize-takers are:

  • Alessandro from Italy, ECN account 828122
  • Zaheer from UAE, STP account 659587
  • Olatunde from Nigeria, Crypto account 5000091
  • Andrei from Russia, ECN account 80453
  • Ayman from Egypt, STP-account 647649

We hope that these lucky coins from FXOpen will bring you good luck!

We remind

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Get into the 2nd Round of ‘Forex Finals’

‘Forex Finals’ will consist of 6 rounds, each round lasting for 4 weeks. The winner of each tour gets a PAMM Master account with a deposit of $ 1,000 from FXOpen). You also have a chance to win the whole tournament and become a PAMM ECN Master with $ 5,000

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FXOpen Brings Changes to Islamic Accounts Overnight Policy

FXOpen Brings Changes to Islamic Accounts Overnight Policy

Dear Customers,

FXOpen would like to inform you that starting February 2nd, 2015 traders will be charged an additional commission for overnight positions on Islamic accounts. The amount of the commission equals the Swap value associated with a specific trading instrument. The

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High Volatility Expected Due to ECB Meeting

It is worth remembering that the SNB action caused market shock and extreme volatility that lead to significant losses among traders last week.

As a responsible partner FXOpen would like to recommend considering this information in your trading activity and handle open positions in a responsible manner to minimize your

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DKK Pairs Fall within Increased Margin Requirements

DKK Pairs Fall within Increased Margin Requirements

Dear Customers,

Please be informed that due to the potential of a policy change in respect of the DKK peg, FXOpen has increased the margin requirements for DKK pairs. The change has already entered into effect. Thus margin requirements for EURDKK and USDDKK

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