FXOpen Reduces SWAP on Crypto Accounts down to 10%

How to calculate SWAP? SWAP is the fee that the broker charges when a position remains open overnight. On the night from Wednesday to Thursday triple SWAP is charged. Unlike FIAT accounts, in Crypto accounts SWAP is calculated in percent per annum. Since swaps need to be calculated every day at the end of the trading session, the amount of the annual interest rate is divided by 360.

SWAP=Order volume in lots * average price of the instrument at the time of calculation * SWAP in % per annum /100/360

For example, your trading account is in USD, you open a position BUY BTCUSD, 2 lots at 8050.00 USD per 1 BTC.
SWAP will be calculated as follows: 2*8050.00*10/100/360 = 4.47 USD

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