Best PAMM Accounts Rating

Best PAMM Masters

Our PAMM account rating will help you review the effectiveness of PAMM Master's (Manager) work and select the best account to invest. You can see the trading results of a certain Master in detail in the full PAMM account rating by sorting accounts by various parameters: PAMM account name, current gain, number of followers, account type, account age, and more.

Best PAMM Followers

Any FXOpen client can become a Follower (Investor) and you don't need Forex trading experience to do it. By investing funds into FXOpen PAMM account, you can receive profit from trading without your personal participation.

In this rating, you can see the most successful Follower accounts (FXOpen investment accounts).

About PAMM Account Rating

PAMM Account Rating is a list of the most successful PAMM accounts sorted by trading results.

Top Masters rating includes the following parameters: PAMM account name, current gain of the PAMM account, profit of the previous day, number of days since the account opening, maximum drawdown (or loss) ever made in the account, ratio of money gained or lost, as well as the current gain of the account in graphical view. PAMM Account Rating shows accounts only with active offers by default.

Top Followers rating provides the following information: account number, follower's country of residence, join date (the date when the follower joined the offer), gain in percentage terms and gain chart.

FXOpen presents PAMM API for in-depth analysis of PAMM accounts and for use on third-party websites. It’s a program interface, the functions of which can be used to retrieve the data about PAMM accounts via HTTP protocol.

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